Is unfiltered water harmful for hair and skin?

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Water is a vital component of our daily routine, and it plays a significant role in maintaining our hair and skin health. However, tap water contains various impurities, such as chlorine, minerals, and chemicals, that can have adverse effects on our hair and skin. Therefore, having a water filtration system for hair and skin care can provide several advantages, as it can help remove these impurities and provide healthier and smoother hair and skin.

Advantages of using a water filtration system for hair and skin care

  • Removes Impurities: A water filtration system can effectively remove impurities such as chlorine, minerals, and chemicals from the water, which can cause dryness, irritation, and damage to hair and skin. The system can filter out harmful substances, leaving behind pure, clean water that is gentle on hair and skin.

  • Improves Hair Texture: Hard water can make hair dry, frizzy, and difficult to manage. A water filtration system can help to improve hair texture by providing soft, moisturizing water that makes hair smoother, shinier, and more manageable.

  • Promotes Healthy Skin: Chlorine, minerals, and chemicals in tap water can strip the skin of its natural oils, causing dryness, irritation, and premature aging. A water filtration system can help to promote healthy skin by removing these impurities, leaving behind pure, clean water that is gentle and moisturizing.

Risks to skin and hair for not having a water filtration system

  • Dryness: Tap water contains minerals and chemicals that can cause dryness and damage to hair and skin. Without a water filtration system, these impurities can strip the skin and hair of their natural oils, leaving them dry, flaky, and prone to damage.

  • Irritation: Chlorine, which is commonly used in tap water to disinfect it, can cause skin and eye irritation. Without a water filtration system, chlorine and other chemicals can irritate the skin, causing redness, itching, and rashes.

  • Damage: Hard water can cause damage to hair by making it dry, brittle, and prone to breakage. It can also cause a buildup of minerals on the scalp, which can clog hair follicles and inhibit hair growth.

  • Softens Water: Hard water, which is water that contains a high level of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, can cause dryness and damage to hair and skin. A water filtration system can help to soften the water by removing these minerals, providing a gentler, more moisturizing effect.


Hard water can also lead to a buildup of mineral deposits on hair, making it look dull, lifeless, and difficult to style. It can also cause color-treated hair to fade more quickly, as the minerals in the water can strip away the color.

In addition to promoting healthy skin and hair, a water filtration system can also be beneficial for people with sensitive skin or scalp conditions, such as eczema, psoriasis, or dandruff. By removing harsh chemicals and irritants from the water, it can help to reduce inflammation, itching, and flaking, making these conditions easier to manage.

Having a water filtration system for hair and skin care can provide several advantages, including removing impurities, softening water, improving hair texture, and promoting healthy skin. On the other hand, not having a water filtration system can pose risks to hair and skin health, including dryness, irritation, and damage. Therefore, investing in a water filtration system is an excellent way to ensure that you are taking the best possible care of your hair and skin. Check out our Well Water Filtration Buyers Guide for more information on which system is best for your situation. Bluonics offers wide variety of water filtration systems for many different applications. Contact us for proper recommendations, sizing and price. Give us a call (916) 975-6220 or email at

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